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html5 layout


Table basics

global attributes & border
Atable has an opening and closing tag

represent a table row which is the container for the cells
permitted parent table, thead, tfoot, tbody

Table headings an individual cell  can include titles of rows and/or columns
permitted parent tr
Attribute: rowspan and colspan(see below)

td, table data  is an individual cell
permitted parent tr
Attribute: rowspan and colspan
<td colspan="number">

A very basic table with two columns


<table>open table
<tr> open row
<th> title</th><th> title</th> titles/topics for two columns below
</tr> close row
<tr> open row
<td> data</td>
<td>data</td> first row of information
</tr> close row
<tr> open row
<td> data</td><td>data</td>secondrow of information
</tr> close row
</table> close table

This is the table for the code above
open table open row titles/topics for two columns below close row open row first row of information close row open row first row of information close row
Title Title


Can be used as the title for the entire table.
The caption tag is optional.
permitted parent table